An Introduction

I am the Ephemerist. Your regularly scheduled Watcher is busy hosting issues of 'What If?', and can't be concerned with a paltry, dark and miniscule piece of the Multiverse like the one I'm about to show you. No universe-spanning Star Empires, no higher beings running around in human bodies, no time-travel, very little in the way of magic or the paranormal. Science rules the day, and so does the passage of time.
Heroes age here; heroes die.

Welcome to Earth-659.
Welcome to Earth Prime.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who's Who?

The staff here at Prime thought readers might be curious about the photos used for various characters. A few of them are purely based on the films. Many of them, however, have been changed to suit the changes to character and to mood. And, of course, those that haven't been featured in the movies at all... those we had to create from scratch.

Some of the characters that remained the same include:

Charles Xavier -- Patrick Stewart
Scott Summers -- James Marsden
Colossus -- Daniel Cudmore
Moira MacTaggert -- Olivia Williams

For these four, the actors playing them in the films still fit. Why fix what isn't broken?

Characters that were changed for the sake of the story are:

Rogue -- Eliza Dushku

In the movies, Rogue was given a Shadowcat role, a POV character to introduce us to the world of the X-Men. As, one, you can see that there's no Wolverine to be found in this book and, two, I'm dropping the readers into the middle of the story instead of the beginning, this no longer applies. I wanted Rogue to be older, scrappier, darker and more capable. Anna Paquin -- bless her -- didn't fit my criteria for Rogue very well. So I decided to go with Ms. Dushku. A little creative Photoshopping for the streak and the green eyes (Go ahead. Look closely. They're there.) and voila. Rogue.

Shadowcat -- Evangeline Lilly

Shadowcat of the Prime-Verse is no kid companion to the older crowd. Ms. Pryde was a fully drafted member of the second team of X-Men. She's the same age as Colossus, folks. Physically, I wanted her a match for her male (and female) teammates, something that Ellen Page -- as cute and quirky as she was as Kitty -- couldn't provide. This isn't Punkin, or Kitten, or Kitty Pryde. This is Kate. And yes, I realise that Ms. Lilly already plays a Kate. I guess the name fits, doesn't it?

Of course, there are characters that make no appearance in the films whatsoever. These include:

Cannonball -- Mike Vogel

While Mr. Vogel is often much too pretty for a rough country boy like Sam, his appearance in 2003's "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" fit the character like a latex glove. A little sweaty, a little scruffy, sunkissed and well-muscled, he became the perfect physical replica of Sam Guthrie. And since my version of him is pretty close to his current comic persona, everything came together rather nicely.

Proteus -- Giovanni Ribisi

Unfortunately, I no longer posess the unaltered headshot of Mr. Ribisi, but I'm sure a quick IMDB search will pull up plenty for you to look at. Proteus is a wildcard. I needed someone who looked a little unhinged, but still looked like he could pull off an angry, unstable nineteen year old. Since Ribisi is just so good at playing that twitchy type of character I was looking for, luck shined upon me when I thought of him. I found an image of him that wasn't so clean cut like he so often is, and it worked like a charm.

That's all for this installment of 'Who's Who?'. As I unveil characters to the series, I'll make another post with new characters, face, and information.


Xavier File 076

x076 -- Anne Marie Mathis

Vital Statistics

Height: 5'9" (168cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (59kg)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
D-O-B: 18-7-1987

Classification: Homo Sapiens Superior - Delta
Codename: Rogue

Mutant Abilities: Energy absorption through skin contact

Xavier's Notes: "After all this time, Anne still goes by Rogue, as if she's uncomfortable with the name she was born with. Only Emma, myself, and a few of the administration staff at the Massachusetts Academy even know of it. She seems to prefer it that way. I do hope that there will be a time that Anne feels at ease with her teammates. Perhaps then, she will tell them.

"Despite her fears and her secrecy, Rogue has grown into a bright and capable leader, though she would never admit to being so. She came in a ward of the state, a petty criminal, and has blossomed under our care to graduate at the top of her class.

"I do understand her need for psychological distance, however. It seems to match the physical one she's erected around herself. Her powers, while growing more versatile and less deadly with each rare application, are still without control. It has been over ten years since the last time Anne's contact with another human being did not end with their thoughts swimming in her mind. In the years that I have tried to help her, I have come to believe that Anne's difficulties with her powers are psychological rather than physical. This difficulty, however, lies somewhere within the boundaries of a mind so guarded even I cannot breach."

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Dramatis Personae Update

Want to know the skinny on the characters appearing in Children of the Atom? Look no further.
Meanwhile, get ready for the much anticipated (and running late, but nearly here) issues 2 and 3! Keep your eyes open and your ears to the wall.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Timeline Updated

The Prime Timeline has been updated. New entries will be added after future issues as new information comes along. All new timeline entries will be italicized.

Read the updated timeline here.

Solicitation - Children of the Atom #2 (of 3)

CotA's second issue is on the wings.

The players have been set and the first move has been made. The single most powerful mutant on the face of the Earth has broken out of prison and is gunning for Xavier. Problem is, it's his own son. How can a fractured, leaderless team of X-Men do anything to stop him?

Stay tuned!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Prime: Children of the Atom #1

The first issue of Prime's flagship miniseries has launched!

Xavier's revelation is being heralded by the global mutant community as the first significant victory in the cause of mutant rights. But not everyone is happy about the news. How are the X-Men involved, and what figure from Xavier's past has finally decided to collect on old debts?

Read now!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Xavier File 011

x011 -- Summers, Scott

Vital Statistics

Height: 6' (184cm)
Weight: 180 lbs (81kg)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
D-O-B: 28-12-1979

Classification: Homo Sapiens Superior - Beta
Codename: Cyclops

Mutant Abilities: Concussive Optic Blasts

Xavier's Notes: "As much as it pains me to say this, there are times when I see Scott as the son I never had. Rationally, I know that I am a father; I have a son, but David has been so difficult for so long, and Scott... it seems like Scott's always been here at my side.

"Scott came into my life when he was very young, not long after the boy lost both of his parents to a plane crash. He was so frail and afraid then, so unwilling to ask for help or even to accept help as it was offered. That fierce self-reliance and introversion is with him even to this day. I wonder how much I have contributed to his impersonation of Atlas himself, carrying the world on his shoulders alone.

"Scott's abilities are impressive but have proven uncontrollable. I wonder sometimes whether my attempts to help him with his powers have truly helped him at all. Ten years have passed and Scott still relies on the rare mineral ruby quartz to keep them at bay. The span of years spent here, with the school and with me, has strengthened him in other ways, however; they have honed him into a man that I feel confident will only become stronger as time goes on.

"When my age finally catches up with me and I pass on, I fear Scott may become even more embittered than he is now. He has taken the death of Jean so hard, even harder than the deaths of his parents. Time has done little to heal those wounds, I'm afraid. My second largest failing with him has been my inability to help.

"I do know that beneath this harsher, colder exterior Scott has been exhibiting recently, the idealistic man within him still exists, though he strives so hard to pretend it doesn't. Perhaps one day, Scott will come out of his shell. If I ever retire, I hope to leave my school to him. Maybe, one day, he'll be ready."